Thank you.
Your account has been validated.
You should receive an email
shortly which will include your password.
Please check your email.
If you haven't received your password, try these steps:
- Allow 10 to 15 minutes for your email to arrive.
The password email can take up to 15 minutes to reach your inbox under normal circumstances.
- Check your spam or bulk email folder.
Email from may have accidentally arrived in your spam or bulk email folder instead of your inbox, depending on the settings of your email program (Outlook, Eudora, etc.) or email provider (AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.).
- Add to your address book or email safe list.
Most email providers or spam-filtering software programs give you the option to add companies to an email safe list or address book. Check with your email provider to see what steps you can take to make sure you receive messages originating from in the future.
Participant Login
All rights
reserved 2008 Tri-Star Systems, a division of Tri-Star
Benefit Systems, Inc. of Chesterfield, MO. (800) 727-0182
is a
registered trademark of Tri-Star Systems